Friday 28 March 2008

28th March 2008

Ok maybe it is just me and my issues with my dispatcher (not Chad) don't exist but apparently the above message meant I was to go and load at Taiga, wherever that may be but it's ok because I am now a mind reader, and continue on my planned route, that I haven't received at this point in time.
I sent a message to request layover pay and got no reply but then got my load assignment at 16.20 (note the message above states assignment asap and that was at 10.57), 323 mile and 3 drops. So I had sat since Wednesday evening till Thursday 16.20 for a 323 mile trip. I called my dispatcher and the first thing he asked was "Are you loaded yet?" Can you imagine my polite reply after sitting all day waiting.
Well went round to the shipper and was told to come back at 08.00, where's the phone!!!!!!
After some negotiating they agreed to load me and I got on my way. The plan said first delivery 08.00 but it doesn't open till 09.00, not going too well so far.
Three deliveries in southern Manitoba and then home, after a chat with my dispatcher.


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