Monday 16 March 2009

Sorry it has been a while since I last posted. Last week was a busy week, I had asked to leave again on Saturday but those loads were already covered so it would have to be Sunday so it was going to be tough to get my 5000 miles in for this pay period which ends on the 15th. I ahd only done 1800 miles last week. I left Sunday headed for Blue Island, Illinois to load back to Winnipeg and then got caught up in a snow storm on Wednesday on the way back. Sue had my car this week and I wasn't going to get back till late now so I asked dispatch if there was anything I could leave with that evening but also keep me in Canada because of my hours (more driving hours in Canada). They came good and gave me a load to Regina, Sk to deliver early Thursday afternoon and run back to Winnipeg empty, 700 miles. Still short of miles I asked if there was anything else when I got back, yes a quick turn around and back to Regina to deliver Friday evening and return again empty, bingo 5000 miles and the weekend at home.
We carry a lot of liquid fertilizers and chemicals for crop spraying so things are very busy right now, so busy that they haven't got a trailer for me to leave again this morning as planned.


Anonymous said...

ok so what is with the photo of the feet?

Dave Caldwell said...

When I first started driving in North America I noticed how common it was for people to drive trucks in just their socks and I laughed and mocked them (not able to buy shoes, who got you dressed this morning etc). I have now found out for myself it is the best way to keep your truck clean and also the most comfortable. Remember that we can go for hours and hours here on cruise control.