Saturday, 27 February 2010

This trip was a very quick 1300 miles and only 2 nights away from home. I made 2 collections in Manitoba then down into Minnesota for my delivery and my reload back to Steinbach was less than 30 miles away.
Got back home Thursday lunch time and will leave again Saturday afternoon going to Alberta.
Weather is a little better this weekend, the middle of the week it was -36c with wind chill but yesterday only -6c and by next weekend will only be -1c or 0c, feels like almost spring lol

Sunday, 21 February 2010

I got home Saturday morning after reloading in Duffield, Virginia and delivering in London, Ontario then my next load was 2 picks in Ontario going to Winnipeg. The weather wasn't too bad for this part of the journey so made good time to get back home for my birthday.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Drove through the worst snow storm this year on my way down to Canton, NC. Went to bed Sunday night in Whiteland, In and woke up to 6" of snow and still falling. The roads were bad and hadn't been touched in places, down to 25-30mph for a long way.
Still made it down to my delivery that evening and although the delivery wasn't due till the next day they took it early.
I am sitting in a TA truck stop in Candler NC waiting for my reload now. Another load back home again would be nice.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

These quick round trips work really well for me, that was another 3500 miles and completed in less than a week.
I missed the worst of the storms that hit the east coast but still got some very icy roads in Illinois Wednesday morning, the pictures above were taken in a 15 mile stretch and there were many more I didn't photograph because the roads were still bad.
Taking Sue to Winnipeg for a day out and something to eat tomorrow then hope to go back out Saturday again.
A quick summary of 2009, it was a steady year with lots of down time early on due to breakdowns and changing jobs then running Canada only waiting for my passport renewal and then 2 1/2 weeks vacation.
I ran a total of 121,829 miles with 106 nights out in Canada and 100 nights out in USA.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

I left the yard at 7.30 Friday morning to take an empty trailer to Dryden, Ontario and switch for a loaded one bound for Canton, North Carolina.
Here I am on Sunday night parked only 5 miles from my destination after making my way across "The Smokey Mountains". I tried to watch the Superbowl on TV and especially "The Who" at half time. I couldn't stand any more after the half time show, too many people who knew everything about nothing lol.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

A nice quick 3356 mile trip this week and all went well. Truck was shod with new tires (tyres for y'all over the pond) and ran well.
Nothing much else going on, hoping to go back out on Thursday.