Sunday, 25 March 2012

2366 Miles, 4 days.

Taking a nap.
Just a short 4 day trip after spending 5 hours waiting at the border because of a screw up by Livingston, the customs broker (agent).
Only spending the one night at home as I want to get another trip in before we go away for the weekend next week.
Leaving tomorrow going to Oshkosh, Wi so that will get me home in nice time with good miles again this month.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

4716 miles, 10 days.



and after!!!!!
This was a very enjoyable trip where everything went according to plan, well almost. I had a collection in New Jersey which lost me about two hours and 50 miles trying to get to the place avoiding truck restrictions, weight limits and low bridges. It turned out to be a nightmare and wasn't any easier getting back out the place. I don't think I could find it again even after having been there!
The snow has completely gone and Manitoba has been experiencing some very nice warm and sunny weather, the shorts are back out and the bbq has been used, bring on the summer. 

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

2990 miles, 5 days

I94 Michigan

Minneapolis, MN
Left home Thursday morning with a delivery in Menasha, Wi. I had my reload Thursday afternoon which I would be loading in Appleton, Wi only 5 miles from my delivery and going to Mississauga, On.
I made my way to Appleton Friday morning to pick up my reload.
After loading  I was soon on  my way to Mississauga where I was to just switch trailers and head back to Shekopee, Mn for a delivery Monday morning.
On the bay 9am Monday and empty by noon, the poor guy on his own had to hand ball the full load off.
Now empty again it was up to Cloquet, Mn to switch once again and bring back to Steinbach.
3 days off now and will leave again Friday.