Some trips will stay in your memory for a long, long time and this will be one of them but more about that in a minute.
Left Thursday morning and had my reload details by Thursday afternoon. Tipped Friday morning and ran up to Oak Creek, Wisconsin to load steel back to our Steinbach yard. Got back Saturday afternoon, took off my tarps and straps and dropped the trailer.
"Nothing memorable about that trip" I hear you say.
The End of another Chapter in my Life.

This was my last trip for BFS. I am not going to bad mouth them like a lot of guys do when they leave. I have enjoyed most of my time at Big Freight and I am actually sad to be leaving.
Regular readers will know that things haven't been great with one of my dispatchers (not Chad) for some time and the last couple of weeks made me think about my future with BFS.
Those that know me well realise that when things aren't going well then I don't tend to stick around to wait for them to get better, I look at what else there is to make it better for me and my family.
Well being in a different country doesn't make it any different, I had a very quick look and in less than a week had an interview and been offered another job, handed in my notice to BFS and left on my last trip. BFS have, for the most part, been very good to me and my family but my decision had been made, still feel sad though.

A little more about my new job now. I will be driving for a company called Hytek, see http://www.hytekmb.com/ . I will be hauling grain with a Mack truck and a set of super B trailers, similar to the rig above. It is a Monday to Friday job and only a couple of nights out a week, and earning similar money as I do now, Sue is delighted. Most of my driving will now be in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and North Dakota. They also have a good beneits package and 3 weeks holidays a year.
The blog may not be as interesting but I will still keep it updated and post pictures of anything new and exciting.
Will let you know how I get on driving with 2 trailers, look out Canada!!!
Hi Dave
Me and hubby been following your blog with interest,glad you have got yourself sorted with another job, hope everything goes well. Keep the blog up. Me and hubby hope to come out end of 2008.
Hi Cath, thanks for taking an interest in my blog. Are you and your hubby coming to Steinbach?
Dave - you did what you had to and it looks like you have made a good decision. Shame things didn't work out at BFS but roll on the next chapter (you could always come back to the UK!). Take care, Iain
Iain, I don't think we will be rushing back to the UK, sorry. There are a couple of things we miss and that is family and friends like you Carol, Laura, Ali and Russell have been.
I was sad to leave BFS as they have been good to us but sometimes decisions like that have to be made.
Still, I will now have more time at home and may even get to a Lodge meeting now.
Congratulations on your elections, I have no doubt that you will all put your heart and soul into the positions you have been elected to.
Miss you all. Dave, Sue, Gary and Craig.
Hi Dave
We are hoping to get to alberta, looks like lots more yorkies are moving over there.
HI Dave:
Well best of luck only you can tell if it is the right thing for you. Let me know when you want the transfer letter. I will be the secretary for at least the next 12 months so would advise moving in that period. Doubt if I will be around after that, just winding things up but will keep in touch.
Prayers as usual
Thanks Ian, I am sure it will be the right move. As you have always said to me "the family must come first".
Looks like a good move, enjoy your time at home.
Thanks Jim, best wishes to you and your family.
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